Take Care of Your Delivery Persons

Take Care of Your Delivery Persons

Take Care of Your Delivery Persons

If you are anything like me, you have several deliveries being made to your home during the holiday season.  The employees making these deliveries are helping our holiday season be simplified and more enjoyable.  One simple way to give back is to take care of your delivery persons by placing out some drinks and single serve snacks for them to grab n go during their busy days.

Last year I used a couple of small boxes to place the items in and left a note written in sharpie.  This year I  tried to make the offering a little more festive for them.  I created a sign to tape on the drink bin and used a lined basket for the snacks.  If you’d like to print out the sign I used, click here.

I started by putting out snacks that my boys didn’t care for or had grown tired of.  When those treats were gone, I chose replacements at the grocery store that were individually wrapped, contained protein, and were on sale. Think nuts, granola bars, and beef jerky.  I added a few pieces of fruit (mandarin oranges, apples, and bananas) which I was surprised to find taken as well.   For drinks, I found that mostly bottled water and caffeinated drinks went the quickest.   I began this last year and nearly every day the baskets were emptied.

Often these employees are working lengthy days.   Your kindness of a couple bottled waters and snacks go a long way in their bellies and in their hearts.  I even had a few polite people knock on my door to thank me.

A smile goes a long way, especially through the holiday season.  Take care of your delivery persons, they deserve a little kindness.