This oldy but goodie, Getting the Love You Want, offers practical advice on how to save a failing relationship and build a stronger one. It highlights a unique therapy program that offers a step-by-step guide to helping partners address repressed childhood desires and become more compassionate individuals.

Getting the Love you want

Dr. Dean Ornish was a guest speaker at the San Francisco 2020 Vision Tour event that I attended.  As the event was sponsored by Weight Watchers, conversation about eating habits was certainly one of the focus’s of the day.  Dr. Ornish’s book, UnDo It, tells how healthy eating (specifically plant based foods) can reverse and lessen the progression many life threatening diseases such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Cancer, and I was shocked to hear it can reverse aging at a cellular level.  This diet has been so successful, it is now covered under Medicare.

UnDo It

Newton’s Law of Inertia states every object remains at rest or continue in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of external force.  With regards to our lives and the way with live it, things will stay the same unless something comes along to disrupt it.  The Seat of the Soul, written by Gary Zukav, is a book to help you take control of your own life.  More importantly, it will change the way you see the world, interact with other people, and understand your own actions and motivations.

Seat of the soul

All of these books are offered on Audible.  For a free 30 day trial, click here.